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Contract Disputes, Tort & Damages Cases

Our attorneys are admitted to Korean Bar Association and have been well-trained to appear in court and argue the cases of our clients. You will need an experienced local advocate who is well-informed of your case, responsive, and equipped with good communication skills. Our attorneys can communicate with clients in English and have experience working with multiple foreign clients.


Contracts, Business Law, Regulations

Business law or commercial law deals with a load of issues related to business. Although nowadays business law of each country is getting more similar to that of other counties as today's business became global, some portion of business law is inseparable from local practices. Attorneys at D A Legal Group are educated from highly reputable schools and are conversant with Korean business law. 


Commercial Debt, Loan

Many of our clients have contacted us to recover their money owed by Korean residents or business partners. Under Korean law, only attorneys are allowed to fully represent creditors in the course of debt collection including legal measures through court. In many cases, urgent application for provisional seizure is necessary since debtors will want to avoid compulsory execution and thus will try to hide their assets which will eventually result in failure of collection. For such urgent actions, we are ready to provide adequate services to our clients. 


Bankruptcy Services for Creditors

Sometimes your debtor goes bankrupt and you will need to report your claims as a creditor to the court. Claims must be reported within a specific time limit. If the claim amounts reported by the debtor are wrong, you will need to inform the court to correct them. Our lawyers can help you report to the court on behalf of you and your company. 

Creditors also can file for bankruptcy on behalf of the debtor. It can be a pressure to the debtor and in some cases, it can also be an effective way to liquidate the debtor's assets and collect money. Please contact us for more consultation. 


법인설립, 변경등기, 인허가, 외국인투자신고

법인(주식회사, 유한회사, 사단법인, 재단법인, 협동조합 등)의 설립, 변경, 말소 등 제반 등기업무와 인허가 대리, 외국인 투자신고 업무를 제공합니다.

법인은 그 존재나 내용을 제3자가 알기 어려우므로, 등기를 하여 외부에서 인식할 수 있도록 공시를 해야 합니다. 등기를 하지 않으면, 제3자에 대하여 대항력을 가지지 못하며 등기 해태시 과태료가 부과되는 등 법률적으로 강제됩니다. 

법률사무소 디에이에서는 법인등기 업무를 신속하고, 정확하게 수행하고 있으며 기업을 운영하는데 필요한 각종 인허가절차 대리, 신고대리 업무도 제공하고 있습니다.

고가의 자산에 속하는 부동산에 관한 권리변동의 공시를 위한 부동산등기는 신속하고 정확하게 처리하여야 합니다. 등기부등본의 기재가 부정확하거나 미비한 경우에는 권리자에게 법률적 위험이 될 수 있기 때문입니다.

법률사무소 디에이는 부동산등기 업무에 특화된 전문인력을 보유하고 있으며, 다년간의 경험과 전문지식​을 겸비하고 있습니다.

소유권이전, 저당권설정, 집단등기, 질권설정


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